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Should I Start A Blog In 2021? – 12 Reasons To Start Now!

by | Last updated Jul 19, 2021

If you’re asking yourself should I start a blog in 2021, then we’re willing to bet that starting a blog is something you’re interested in, but you never thought of it as something that you could do yourself. 

Also, the fact that you’re reading this article…duh 🙄 

We frequently asked ourselves that same question when we were first starting blogging – can we actually do this?

To be honest, we were utterly overwhelmed by all of the technical aspects of starting a new blog, and we couldn’t see ourselves being good creative writers. We wondered, why would anybody want to listen to us? 

However, the most crucial part of our story is that we were just average ordinary people, aside from our strong motivation and desire for success.

We had no extraordinary quality that made us any different than how you feel right now. We simply became overcommitted to improving our skill set and expanding our knowledge.

At the time, we had heard how much money successful bloggers were making, and that was enough motivation for us to get started ourselves. Let’s be honest. Money is a great motivator!

P.S. If you’re interested in starting a blog and making money online, check out our #1 recommended method that we used to build our blog from scratch! 

You’ll get access to step-by-step training, how-to videos, and a private business advisor to help you get started. It’s the perfect solution for beginners! 🙂 

Anyway, enough prologue…

Here are 12 reasons why you should start a blog in 2021. Hopefully, by the end of this article, we can convince you to create one too! 

Not sure what a blog is? Check out this article first!


Disclosure: We partner with several companies that offer products and services to help you achieve your goals! We may get a small commission at no additional cost to you!

1. You’re In Control Of Your Freedom

Before we started our blog, we worked our way up the ladder at our traditional jobs. Our jobs provided us with enough income to get by, but what bothered us the most was that WE PRACTICALLY HAD NO FREEDOM. 

At that time, we were in a long-distance relationship (Hawaii & Florida), and we hated having to save up our yearly vacation time just to see each other for a week or two. 

Having the ability to control your freedom is the biggest reason that we decided to start our blog. We now have the freedom to do whatever we want, and it gave us a newfound passion that we both enjoy working on together!

Now don’t get us wrong, blogging takes a lot of work, and we encountered many obstacles when we were first starting up. But the result that came out of it was our much-desired freedom!

And the best part, we can now see each other whenever we want. 😁

Here are just a few of the great benefits we noticed since starting our blog:

  • Freedom of Time
  • Financial Freedom
  • Freedom to do anything we want!

2. You Decide How To Spend Your Time

Can you guess what our favorite part about starting our blog is? It’s pretty simple…

We’re our own damn bosses. Enough said. 

Being our own boss means that we get to work on our schedule. We don’t have to choose between our work and our social lives. In fact, writing our blog has become part of our social life, and we can work on it anytime and anywhere we want. 

That means nobody tells us when to report to work, nobody forces us to work overtime, and best of all… Nobody tells us when we can or cannot take a vacation.

What more could you ask for?

Our lifelong goal has always been to travel the world together, and now that we have the freedom to create our schedules, we can finally do it!

Without our blog, we would never have the time, freedom, or money to travel. We now have freedom that most people have never experienced before.

We can’t even imagine going back to our full-time job just to get two weeks of vacation per year or waiting until our retirement before we can start traveling. 

This is what makes starting a blog completely worth it!


3. You’re In Control Of Your Income

Being your own boss means that you get to keep all of the profits you bring home.

Does that sound good to you? It sure as heck did to us!

We quickly learned that with blogging, there’s a high association between the work you put in and the profit you earn as a result. As a blogger, you have the freedom to decide how much you’re going to work, and when you want to work.

For us, that sounded like a pretty sweet and a fair deal compared to most other traditional jobs.

Starting a blog is a great idea, but we don’t want to give you the impression that it’s easy to do…

The actual creation of a blog is a pretty simple process, but growing the blog to be successful and getting your audience to trust you can be challenging.

However, once you get the basics down, you get a better idea of the content your audience is looking for, and you become more comfortable writing. 

Few professions in the world will allow you to be in direct control of your income, such blogging. This is one of the many reasons we love our blog and why we think you should start a blog too!

4. Start A Blog To Make Money

One of the more common questions we get asked is, “How can a blog make money?” 

And we get it! When you think of high paying careers, owning a blog definitely doesn’t come to mind.

The truth is, most people don’t realize how profitable owning a blog can become!

Here’s a quick list of how bloggers make money

  1. Affiliate programs
  2. Blog advertisements
  3. Digital courses
  4. Partnerships
  5. Selling physical products

Check out these successful bloggers to see how much they make from their blog!

When you get more experience with blogging, it’s just a simple rinse and repeat process. If you do it correctly, a blog can become very profitable.


5. You Want To Build An Online Business

Starting a blog is a great way to make extra money, but it is also considered an essential tool in growing an online business.

Although a blog isn’t a type of business, you can focus your online business around your blog!

What the heck does that mean? 🤔

For example, let’s say that you decide to start selling products and services online. The majority of your first-time customers will be wondering who this person is and why they should buy from you?

This is where having a blog comes into play. 

Having a blog where you regularly post content makes it easier to gain your customers’ trust, and it is more likely that you will form a positive relationship with them.

And if you don’t already know, building a relationship with your customers and gaining their trust is the best way to get them to listen to you.

The quicker you can connect with your audience and build trust, the more your online business will profit as a result.

6. It Has Low Start-Up Costs

We’re sure you know how expensive it is nowadays to start a business. Typically, you need to provide a lot of upfront capital to get landlords to take you seriously.


You no longer need to invest your entire life savings in starting a business. The cost of starting a blog and an online business is SO MUCH CHEAPER than a traditional brick and mortar business. 

Why is that? You ask…

Simply said, when starting your blog or online business, you have much more freedom in terms of deciding how you want everything set up. There are multiple options at different price points; you just have to pick which one is the best for you.

With a traditional brick and mortar business, you have little flexibility and you must provide a more significant upfront payment to get started.

Wanna know another great part about starting your own blog?

If done correctly, an online business can be just as profitable, if not more, with lower startup costs than a brick and mortar business.

Trust us, if starting a blog was expensive, we would have never created a blog ourselves.

7. A Blog Isn’t Difficult To Start

Despite what you may think, the actual process of setting up your blog is quite simple! You should be able to finish all the steps in less than an hour!

And believe us when we say, if we could do it… then you definitely can do it.

Here are the steps to starting a blog:

1. Pick a name and niche

2. Pick a blogging platform and web hosting

3. Learn how to use WordPress

4. Design your blog to your liking

5. Write your first blog post

6. Promote your blog (organically or paid ads)

7. Start making money!

It’s as simple as that! Check out this article that goes into more detail on each of the steps listed above. 

The most challenging part is making the blog successful and getting your audience to trust you. But don’t worry, we have some tips and tricks to help you build your targeted audience. 

Stick with us, and we’ll walk you through it! 


8. Make A Difference In The Lives Of Others

Although you may have started your blog to get additional income and provide you with a better life, it’s important to remember that you’re also impacting the lives of others as well!

The purpose of our blog is to educate as many people as possible who want to work from home and start an online business that will provide them with freedom of time, money, and life.

We hope that our readers can learn something from us that they could use to improve their quality of life. We made it our goal to make a difference in the lives of as many people as possible, and we hope you have that same mentality when you start your blog as well.

If a blogger can focus his or her content on impacting and serving others’ needs, they will find real success with their blog.

Every blog has the potential to make a difference in another person’s life.

We certainly hope that we’re making a difference in yours!

9. You’re Looking For A New Hobby

We started our blog because we wanted more freedom in our lives. However, a blog can also become a great new hobby!

If you’re like us, we could never see ourselves being full-time bloggers. But you should give it a shot! You might just surprise yourself with how much you enjoy it.

If you already enjoy sharing your thoughts or if you’re a natural writer, then starting a blog is an excellent hobby for you! Plus, you’ll be bringing in some extra money! 😉

Depending on your profession, you may find blogging to be a great way to promote your products and gain a loyal audience.

10. You Enjoy Challenging Yourself

In our experience, the best way to learn something is by learning from your mistakes. With that in mind, we have made almost every mistake you could think of throughout our blogging journey!

There were so many times when we got frustrated because we couldn’t understand something or it just wasn’t working out.

However, we learned that the only way to grow is by encountering obstacles and learning how to overcome them to reach your end goal.

Having a successful blog is not easy, and it will force you to challenge yourself as you come across new problems that you must solve. 

We can’t promise you that it will be easy, but we can promise you that the end result will definitely be worth it.

11. You Enjoy Learning New Skills 

Since we’ve started blogging, we acquired so many skills we never thought possible. Blogging has improved our thought process and communication skills. We learned how to become better writers and share information that (hopefully) people like you enjoy reading!

If you told us five years ago that we’d be running a blog and starting an online business, we would call you crazy!

We figured there were too many technical aspects, and nobody would want to listen to us. We honestly thought it was too hard, and we’d never be able to make it successful.

The great thing about blogging is that the more you write, the more confident you become, and the less you overthink how others will perceive it.

Blogging takes some getting used to, but once you get better at the skills required, the sky is your limit!


12. You’re Passionate About A Particular Topic

Whatever your passion may be, we can guarantee that there is someone else on the internet with the same passion as you.

For example, our passion is helping others live their best life and obtaining the freedom that they desire. Therefore, we based our blog around that concept.

If you already have a niche topic in mind, then that’s a good indicator that you found something you’re interested in blogging about! 

If not, don’t worry! Your niche can be just about anything you have a passion for (although it’s good to do some research because some niches are better than others). 

If you don’t have a blog topic in mind, check this out!

Should I Start A Blog In 2021?

Those are our top 12 reasons why you should start a blog in 2021! Now the question is… are you ready to get started? 

If you’re not ready to start just yet, then don’t worry! It’s a lot of stuff to take in at once. But hopefully we convinced you that there are many benefits to starting a blog. 

We’re here to help guide you through the process! We promise you’ll be very pleased with the result!

Starting a blog and getting everything right was a complicated process for us. However, we want to share with you precisely what it takes to be successful.

We made it our goal and personal commitment to educate as many people as possible who want to work from home and start an online business that will provide them with freedom of time, money, and life.

Take this next step to learn the exact step-by-step strategy that we used to make money online and start our online business. This is our #1 recommended method if you’re looking to achieve a new level of personal and financial freedom! 

CLICK HERE to Get Started!

P.S. Did this post on Why Should I Start A Blog In 2021 (12 Reasons To Start Now) help you? Are you ready to start a blog? What’s holding you back from starting a blog? We’d love to hear from you in the comment section below!

You can follow us on social media here!

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We’re Jordan & Vivian!

The creators of My Freedom Playbook who are dedicated to helping you live your best life! Our goal to you gain true Freedom of Time, Money and Life. Learn more about us here!

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