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8 Productivity Tips to Achieve More and Improve your Workday

by | Last updated Jul 19, 2021

When you think about productivity, what is the first thing that comes to mind? 

It could be getting things done quicker or finding ways to complete your to-do list without going insane. It could also be you trying to figure out how to make your goals come to life in the most efficient way possible.

The point being, there’s a ton of definitions and productivity tips to follow out there…

And here is how Dictionary.com defines productivity: 

    1. the quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services
    2. the rate at which goods and services having exchange value are brought forth or produced 

Regardless of how you define it, we all know that being productive can only lead to good things! And, of course, good things lead to a better life and happiness, so there’s nothing more to say than to be productive! 

So you may be thinking, what can I really do that I haven’t already? I get it. You probably read over 10 of these articles that tell you the same stuff over and over again. I hate to break it to you though, this is probably the same, BUT we promise these tips work.

Below you’ll find a list we’ve researched and compiled of the top productivity tips to improve your life, shared and followed by leaders, business icons, entrepreneurs. These are their secrets to a successful life.

P.S. If you’re interested in starting an online business to help you gain more personal freedom in life, check out our #1 recommended method that you can use to get started with making passive income for long-term growth. 

You’ll get access to step-by-step training, how-to videos, and a private business advisor to help you get started. It’s the perfect solution for beginners! 🙂


Disclosure: We partner with several companies that offer products and services to help you achieve your goals! We may get a small commission at no additional cost to you!

How Can I Be More Productive?

These productivity tips aren’t some magical formula that, if you do it once, it will work. To be honest, the reality is that you need to put in work to be more productive. The best way is to turn these tips into habits and eventually you will feel more productive.

Read on to find out how you can be more productive in work and life!

1. Set Daily Goals

“If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.” ~ Lawrence J. Peter

Just like the quote above, if you don’t have a clue where you want to start your day, you will get distracted by something else. That’s why I start my day by writing down a list of goals that I want to accomplish the night before or the morning. 

Doing this will help you identify the most important things you need to take care of throughout the day. You will start to realize what is most important to you. You’ll see which goals keep surfacing and which goals vanish over time. 

Make it a habit! Having goals on a daily basis can change your life for the better. It will help you keep moving faster towards your big goals and dreams. 

2. Write it All Down on Paper


With the goals in mind, you should be taking action, and the first step is to organize it out and write it down….

So every task, goal, commitment, or whatever else it may be should be written down on paper. That way, you won’t have a problem wasting time trying to remember the one thing you forgot to do. 

You must be thinking, duh. I know it sounds very cliche but trusts us, it works. Being able to describe your goals in written form vividly is strongly associated with goal success.

People who can picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to accomplish their goals than people who don’t.

Humans tend to remember things they have written down themselves vs. just reading them off a book or computer. Study after study will prove and show you that writing things down is much more effective and allows your productivity to increase. 

3. Tackle the Hardest Thing First

Now that you have a list of tasks, goals, etc written down… the next question is where you start. We know it can be overwhelming staring at a long list. In fact, you may even be tempted to just stop there but don’t! 

When you start your day, you should always tackle the hardest or least favorite task first. It may seem counterintuitive but trust us, doing it first will save you time. 

There’s an expression commonly used, “eat the big frog in the morning”- which means tackling the most challenging or least favorite task first thing in the day to get it over with. 

Not only do you finish off the hardest task of the day, but mentally you would also feel more accomplished, providing you momentum to continue the day!

So when it comes to the rest of the task on your list, it would feel like a breeze completing it, and you’ll enjoy it more. 

4. Isolate Distractions


Have you ever been in the zone focused on writing a paper or completing a task, and then your phone buzzes, with notifications from Instagram, Facebook, etc, all wanting your attention? 

Typically speaking, none of these “distractions” are probably urgent and need your attention at the moment, but the urge to look always gets to you. It successfully distracts you from stopping what you’re doing and immediately look. 

This is the main reason why we say it is best to isolate your distractions in moments where you need your full attention to get the task done. 

A good solution is to mute all your notifications for anything that could distract you, such as social media, emails, or even text notifications. AND if that doesn’t work, there are a ton of apps that can lock all your distractions necessary for any amount of time you deem necessary to stay focused.

We face so many distractions daily; you would be amazed at how much this can affect your productivity in a day. Just remember, if you haven’t planned for it within the next 1-2 hours, it can wait until you are finished.

You can even utilize your small breaks to make some extra cash on the side! Check this out to see what you can do while giving your brain some time to rest. Click here to learn more!

5. Take Breaks

I know we have been preaching productivity and how you should plan out your day… but you can’t forget that we are all humans still. So regardless of how focused you are, we all have a limit of when to take a break. 

You may think you can power through, but the fatigue kicks in, physical or mental, and starts to impair your effectiveness after a certain amount of time.

Schedule breaks even during the busiest times. Take 15 minutes to stand up, get a drink of water, use the bathroom, or even do a quick exercise! 

You’ll notice that returning to work, you will feel more refreshed, both mentally and physically, and ready to be even more productive.

6. Plan for Tomorrow

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Do you ever wake up, feeling unproductive wondering what you need to do today? If so, the best tip to keep yourself going and productive is always to take some time at night to plan out your next day. 

Planning your day out the night before allows you to wake up feeling more productive and helps you to get your day started faster!

It doesn’t matter how you create out your list of things to do, as long as it makes sense and works for you! Just make sure that you prioritize your tasks to finish the ones that need to be done today vs. flexible tasks that you can change. 

7. Create a Routine

Creating a routine may seem like a given because well everyone lives in some type of routine daily. However, does the routine work for you, and is it the most effective to what you should be doing. 

If you assign blocks of time each day to do more high-priority tasks, you tend to put all your focus during those hours to complete the task at hand. It allows your brain to realize now is the time to work on that certain task regularly. 

Now that you have created a routine for the main tasks, you can prioritize your other tasks into your schedule in any way that you see fit without worrying about not completing the important stuff.

8. Get Some Exercise

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I don’t want to bring up the obvious, but people who live a healthy lifestyle tend to be more productive. This may seem like an odd tip but it really does help. 

Exercise makes you healthier, happier, more energized and the list keeps going, so it only benefits you more to get your body moving every day. 

You don’t need to spend a full hour at the gym to label it as exercising. A walk around your block or even a quick 20min home exercise will do just fine! 

Try these exercises 10 Best Exercises to Tone Body or Easy Workout for Beginners to get started!

Just do something to get your heart pumping and your blood racing. Not only will it make you more productive, but it will also enhance your general well-being.

Use These Productivity Tips and You’ll be Zooming your Way Through the Day!

We hope you’ve found some value in these productivity tips — we sure think they’re a great addition to your daily habits! You’ll be able to achieve so much more in the same amount of time as before and feel even better coming out of it.  

You just need a little bit of patience and perseverance. It’s a long-term gain, so push through, and you’ll feel the results with time, whether it be you achieving more at work, in life, or with your family. 

If you wanted to take your productivity to the next level, use it to learn how to start an online business! Read below and follow along if you wanted to try. 

Take this next step to learn the exact step-by-step strategy that we used to make money online and start our online business. This is our #1 recommended method if you’re looking to achieve a new level of personal and financial freedom! 

CLICK HERE to Get Started!

P.S. Did this post on 8 Productivity Tips to Achieve More and Improve your Workday help you?

Do you have any other productivity tips that you swear by? If you have any secret tips, let us know below! 

You can follow us on social media here!

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