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What Is A Blog? How Does It Work? (The Ultimate Guide to Blogging)

by | Last updated Jul 19, 2021

Have you ever wondered what exactly is a blog and how does it work? A blog is something you’ve probably heard of before, but never looked into it any further than that.

If you’re considering starting a blog, then you came to the right place! 

It wasn’t too long ago when we were in the same place as you. We didn’t even know that there was a difference between a blog and a website!

But, we committed ourselves to understanding how a blog works because we knew that if it became successful, it would provide us with all the freedom we’d ever need. (Freedom of time, money, and life)

We saw how much money other bloggers were making and how efficient it was at growing an online business.

You can learn more about us and why we started a blog here!

P.S. If you want to start a blog or make money online, then check out our #1 recommended method here. This is the strategy that we used to build our blog from scratch!

You’ll get access to step-by-step training, how-to videos. It’s the perfect solution for beginners! 🙂 

Now before you can start growing your successful online business, let’s go over the basics first…


Disclosure: We partner with several companies that offer products and services to help you achieve your goals! We may get a small commission at no additional cost to you!

What is “blog” short for?

The word blog is the shortened version of the two terms – web and log. If you put those two words together… 

Web + log = BLOG

And now you know 🙂

What is a blog? 

According to Google, a blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group written in an informal or conversational style.

The critical part of this definition that we’d like to point out is that a blog is REGULARLY updated. We’ll explain why that’s so important in a bit!

You’ve probably already been reading some form of a blog for a long time without even knowing it! Some businesses that you’ve probably heard of before, such as BuzzFeed, Forbes, Huffington Post, and CNN, are all considered blogs too. 

Even the content that we put on My Freedom Playbook is considered a blog! In fact, what you’re reading this very second is a blog in itself!

P.S. Are you wondering if you should start a blog? Check out our post here!

What is a blog post?

A blog post is an article that is published on your blog. It’s often composed of different forms of media including text, images, or videos.

Here’s the most basic structure of a blog post:

  • Headline
  • Author and date of publication
  • Introduction
  • Main content
  • Sub-headlines
  • Media
  • Conclusion
  • Call to action

Yes, it’s that simple.

Fun fact: Did you know that roughly around 77% of internet users today read blogs? Imagine all the different types of blog posts out there.

What is blogging?

Now that we answered what is a blog, let’s talk about what blogging is.

If we were to go strictly off Webster’s dictionary, the definition of blogging states “to write or have a blog.”

Okay, technically correct. But to us, that doesn’t mean anything.

For us, blogging is all about sharing knowledge with people and also having fun while learning new things yourself! We consider blogging to be another form of creative expression. 😄

What is a blogger?

In simple terms, a blogger is a person who provides the content for a blog.

Although the primary job of a blogger is to create content, a blogger has many more duties, including:

  • Selling and recommending products
  • Write emails to your audience
  • Marketing
  • Creating sales pages

These are a few of the many things you’ll be doing as a blogger.

How is a blog different from a website?

As you already know, a blog is regularly updated. In other words, content is continuously changing to include new information as it becomes available. 

On the other hand, a website is more static without regular updates. A website is updated when there is a change in services or pricing. 

A great way that we like to put it is all blogs are websites (by definition), but not all websites are blogs.

Example of a website with a blog

Blogs are often composed of both pages and posts (although, typically there are usually more posts). An excellent example of a blog with a website is Avocadu.


If you look at the top of the image, you’ll notice several different pages on Avocadu’s homepage. More importantly, you’ll also see a blog section as well.

Example of a website with no blog

On the other hand, a website (by itself) primarily consists of pages such as the home page, landing page, service page, product page, or about us. An example of a website with no blog is USPS.


USPS is a standalone website built on different shipping services and pricing options; however, USPS does not have a blog on its website.

How does a blog work?

A blog’s mechanics are quite complicated and can get pretty technical, but here’s the short version of how a blog works.

A blog is a lot like an online journal or diary. It consists of several posts made by one or more bloggers. 

The newest blog posts appear in reverse chronological order, with the most recent at the top. All blog posts are sort into categories where readers can browse the catalogs to discover older blog posts.

In most blogs, you will see several hyperlinks (either internal or external) that somehow relate to whatever content is covered. Just like this right here!

What is a blog used for?

Some of the most common reasons people decide they want to start a blog include:

  • To promote brands
  • Lifestyle or Personal (Travel blogs)
  • Selling your products online 
  • Creative expression

The great thing about creating your own blog is that you can use it for ANYTHING you want!

For example, the blogs that we create on My Freedom Playbook revolve around the concept of teaching you how to start your own digital business and reclaim your freedom of time, money, and life.

Check out our article on why you should start a blog now!

What makes a good blog?

The most essential part of any blog is establishing a connection with your readers.

Why is that, you ask…?

The stronger your connection with your readers, the more likely they will continue to follow you and listen to whatever you have to say. It also increases the possibility of you making a profit from your blog. (If that’s what you want to do).

Failure to connect with your audience is the biggest reason most blogs fail to takeoff.

Think about it… if you can’t form a good relationship with your readers, why should they listen to you? 🤔

The size and quantity of a blog are not as important as your audience’s quality and how much effort you put into establishing a connection.

We’ve seen several examples where a smaller blog with less content outperforms a much bigger blog simply because the smaller blog had a much more loyal audience.

It’s one of those instances where quality > quantity.

Can a blog make money?


Starting a blog means that you have the freedom to do whatever you want with it. (And that including getting paid 😉)

Here’s a quick list of the most common ways to make money blogging:

  1. Affiliate programs
  2. Blog advertisements 
  3. Digital courses
  4. Partnerships
  5. Selling physical products

If done correctly, blogging can become very profitable!

Are you ready to start your blog?

Ask yourself this question real quick…

Now that we answered what exactly a blog is and how does it work, would you consider starting a blog yourself? 

Well, if you made it to the end of this post, then we’re going to assume that your answer is a most definite YES! 

We made it our goal and personal commitment to educate as many people as possible who want to work from home and start an online business that will provide them with freedom of time, money, and life.

Take this next step to learn the exact step-by-step strategy that we used to make money online and start our online business. This is our #1 recommended method if you’re looking to achieve a new level of personal and financial freedom! 

CLICK HERE to Get Started!

P.S. Did this post on What Is A Blog? How Does It Work? (The Ultimate Guide) help you? Are you ready to start a blog? What would it be about? We’d love to hear from you in the comment section below!

You can follow us on social media here!

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We’re Jordan & Vivian!

The creators of My Freedom Playbook who are dedicated to helping you live your best life! Our goal to you gain true Freedom of Time, Money and Life. Learn more about us here!

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